Aidan's *
Medallion winning performance of Prelude in C, by J.S. Bach | Music
Teachers Association Baroque Festival 2013
All performances
awarded yellow, red, blue ribbons or a Music Teachers Association Medallion
Aidan is in the Certificate of Merit Programand is a student of MrEvan
Certificate of Merit The Certificate of Merit program is the largest State MTAC
project. More than 28,000 students are annually evaluated in performance and theory elements at their appropriate level. Students
with excellent evaluations may be rewarded with performance opportunities at the Branch and State levels.
The goals
of Certificate of Merit are: • To provide a systematic and comprehensive plan to develop performance skill, technique,
ear training and sight reading skills, and understanding of music theory. • To provide practical goals to help
students maintain a steady and focused appreciation of their musical studies. • To encourage students to strive
for musical excellence. • To create opportunities in which students may share their music.
STANDARDIZED this year at the request of Colleges throughout the USA. Testing is now done by another teacher. This is so the program can be
standardized for college entry. Certificate of Merit is FUN and promotes mastery of their instrument | theory | and Harmony! Certificate of
Merit appeals to the competitive
instincts of children and promotes
receptiveness to musical and theory concepts.
MORE About Certificate of Merit:
The Certificate of Merit Program, a state wide program by the Music Teachers Association,
assures that your child is covering the basics of theory. harmony and performance with your music teacher. It is a goal that
every parent and student should aspire to meet. The program has 11 levels.... from preparatory
to very advanced and is written with great care and time tested, fun challenges that kids love to do - because they feel control
and the good feeling that comes with mastership of their instrument!
There are 3 parts: Theory, Ear training, and Performance.
The Performance Section introduces a prosperity of music from Jazz to Classical, graded beginning
thru advanced. Performance, Theory and Ear Training evaluations are held in March and April before the end of the school year. The evaluators are always highly experienced